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Community Advice Partnership for Smart Homeowners (CAPSH) is a community advice agency.
We offer services to individuals through outreach, energy assistance programs, homeownership services, food support, free tax assistance, legal services, employment counseling, and financial counseling.
Additionally, our Planning & Development Center assists nonprofit and other service entities in becoming more effective. We offer a variety of innovative services that are both responsive and adaptable to your organization’s needs. These services include strategic planning, organizational support, technical computer assistance and community development.
The Promise of Community Action
Community Advice changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other. CAPSH is part of a national network of over 1,000 authorized community action agencies across the nation. Community action agencies have been operating in the United States since 1964, when they were created through Economic Opportunity legislation, to fight the war on poverty.
Beginning in 2002, CAPSH started practicing Results-Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA), in order to plan, develop and implement the means to improve the lives of low-income individuals. As part of this commitment, CAPSH has integrated the Six National Goals of Community Action into its mission and goals. The Six National Goals were adopted by the federal Office of Community Services and serve as the basis for all activities of community action agencies. These Goals are:
– The conditions in which low-income people live are improved.
– Low-income people own a stake in their community.
– Low-income people become more self-sufficient.
– Low-income people, especially vulnerable populations, achieve their potential by strengthening family and other supportive systems.
– Agencies increase their capacity to achieve results.
– Partnerships among supporters and providers of services to low-income people are achieved.
Our History
CAPSH is a designated community action agency. This agency was created in 1985 amid a growing awareness that poverty was not an isolated central city problem; we serve the 45 municipalities of Hennepin County outside Minneapolis.
Organizational Values
· We believe... everyone should be able to obtain life’s essentials.
· We believe… community is shared responsibility.
· We believe... people should be involved and informed about their options, and that with information and tools they will take steps to improve their lives.
· We believe… in the strength of individuals, families, and organizations, and in our collective coming together we create communities in action.
· We believe… people are interdependent, and therefore we provide opportunities for community service. Both the giver and recipient are enhanced through this mutual exchange.
· We believe… institutions should work on behalf of their customers, and we remove barriers that restrict access to decision making.
· We believe… in providing high quality services – through creative initiatives, prudent management, comprehensive responses, and respectful and compassionate interactions.
Our Vision Statement
CAPSH will be the preeminent poverty fighting agency in the United States.